
Hydroponic Nutrients

Fertilizer vs. Hydroponic Nutrients In order to begin a discussion on hydroponic nutrients, it’s important to first distinguish the difference between the terms fertilizer and hydroponic nutrient. Fertilizer is intended to feed the microorganisms in the soil, such as beneficial bacteria and fungi.  All of the living components in the soil must be protected, so […]



A quick answer to why we should use EC instead of TDS The debate over EC and TDS has been an ongoing issue for a long time. These two measurements are used to determine the strength of hydroponic solution. Although they are widely used they should only be used as a guideline and you should […]


Organic Does Not Mean “No Pesticides”

Many people believe that organic produce does not contain pesticides, which is a common misconception.  In order to become certified organic, 95% of the chemicals a farm uses must be certified organic.  This means that 5% of the pesticides, fertilizer, or herbicides may be synthetic!  Organic farmers can use as much organic pesticide (pesticide that […]


How Plants Uptake Nutrients

Nutrients play an important role in many plant processes. Nitrogen, for example, is a component of both amino acids (the building blocks of protein) and chlorophyll (the green pigment present in all plants). Phosphorous is essential to the formation of a plant’s DNA and RNA, and potassium is crucial to growth regulation and photosynthesis. Aside […]


What is Aquaponics

Welcome back!  Let’s keep discussing the different categories of hydroponics.  If you haven’t read our Foundation of Hydroponics article, check it out first, then meet back here.  Just to recap, the first category that is used to classify hydroponic systems is called the Class of Hydroponics, and it describes how plant roots are supported in […]


What is Aquaculture

There are a few different ways to classify hydroponic systems, and one way is to determine where in the world the nutrients come from.  The category, “Nutrient Derivations” includes three sources of nutrients that may be used in a hydroponic system: Hydroponic, Bioponic & Aquaculture.  Remember that the term Hydroponic is used to describe all […]


pH Measurement

pH measurement is used in a wide variety of applications: agriculture, wastewater treatment, industrial processes, environ­mental monitoring, and in research and development. pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. The pH value states the relative quantity of hydrogen ions (H+) contained in a solution. The greater the concentration of H+ […]


What is Aeroponics

There are so many different types of hydroponics!  Let’s continue to expand on the different categories of the technology.  If you haven’t read our Foundation of Hydroponics article, consider going back and checking it out.  Just to recap, the first category that is used to classify hydroponic systems is called the Class of Hydroponics, and […]


Modern-Day Chinampas

Ancient Aztecs probably never thought they were creating a technology that could be used thousands of years later; they were just looking for a way to grow food with the resources that were available to them.  Chinampas are rafts of food crops that float on the surface of a body of water.  Aztec gardeners dug […]


What is Agroponics

In this article, we will expand on the different categories of hydroponics.  If you haven’t read our Foundation of Hydroponics article, consider going back and checking it out.  Just to recap, the first category that is used to classify hydroponic systems is called the Class of Hydroponics, and it describes the way plant roots are […]


Organic versus Inorganic: What’s the Difference?

Did you know there are several different definitions of the term organic?  The most common definition, that people usually think of when they hear the word, is the definition associated with more natural methods of growing produce, or organic farming.  You can read more about this in our article, Growing Organic versus Hydroponics. This article […]


Growing Organic versus Hydroponics

There is currently a popular debate about the value of “organic” growing and its methods, including organic fertilizer and pest control methods that don’t cause harm to the planet.  It is important to note that hydroponic growers are also looking for ways to efficiently and effectively apply these practices to hydroponics.  Currently accepted organic fertilizer […]