Commercial Growing

If the EzGro Backyard Vertical Garden system is not large enough to produce what you need for your enterprise, then an EzGro Commercial Garden is for you. These systems start at 100 towers and range to as many towers as you require. Using a commercial vertical gardening system you will be able to produce 6 to 8 times as much per square foot as you could in a field garden, and 3 to 4 times as much as you would using a greenhouse bench system.

Our commercial systems are customized to meet the needs of your business. For example, a 1000 tower system can fit comfortably on ¼ acre, but if your garden will be open to the public for Pick- Your- Own events, we would expand it to ½ acre to allow for broader paths.

Common sizes for EzGro Commercial Garden systems are 100 towers, 500 towers, and 1000+ towers. The water usage for these systems is about 1 gallon per tower per day, and the nutrient-enhanced water is automatically pumped from the reservoirs, through the system, and back to the reserviors to eliminate waste. With large systems like these, it can get a bit labor-intensive to manually mix the nutrients into the water at specific intervals, so we offer the option of an automated nutrient mixer to lighten the load.

Depending on what you will be growing, each tower holds 2-7 Quad Pots, each of which holds 4 plants per pot. Larger plants like tomatoes are stacked 2 pots per tower to accommodate their leaf-space, while herbs can be stacked up to 7 pots per tower. We use a 5 pot per tower average to simplify the calculations. The size and shape of an individual garden is entirely flexible to your needs. The chart below shows the requirements and output for 100, 500, and 1000 tower systems.

of Towers
Min SqFt
of space
of plants
Water usage
per day
100 3000 2’000 100-200 gallons
500 5500 10,000 500-800 gallons
1000 11,000 20,000 1000-1500 gallons

Note- Keep in mind that the number of plants required is only an average- depending on what plants you choose, the individual towers will hold from 2-7 Quad Pots, which hold 4 plants per pot, so these numbers are based on an average of 5 pots per tower.

What You Can Grow

Brussell Sprouts Peas All Herbs
Spinach Head Lettuce All Flowers
Bell Peppers Beans Okra
Squash Cabbage Melons
Leaf Lettuce Baby Carrots Broccoli
Green Onions Radishes Cauliflower
Chili peppers Swiss Chard Cucumbers
Strawberries Oriental Greens Tomatoes

Without expectation Everything grows in the EzGro System.

How It Works

The EzGro Commercial Garden system is designed to maximize your growing potential by combining the space-efficiency of vertical gardening with the technology of a customized hydroponic system. In any of the EzGro Garden systems, the towers are constructed of sturdy PVC, which our stacking Quad Pots are threaded onto. The towers are connected at the top and bottom to form a stable grid. Black poly drip-line is strung at the top of the system to provide the nutrient-enhanced water to the top Quad Pots in the system at timed intervals, so the plants receive just as much as they need. The solution then drips down through the lower Quad Pots, and any unused solution is then collected back into the reservoir for re-use, completely avoiding waste.


Our EzGro Commercial Garden Systems are designed to customer specifications, so costs will vary individually, but a base guide for budgeting would put the cost at approximately-

100 tower system ~ $160 per tower

500 tower system ~ $125 per tower

1000+ tower system ~ $100 per tower

If you are interested in the EzGro Commercial Garden System or have any questions, please contact us. 

Here are some galleys of a few of our commercial gardens.

Africa II

Gartner Callaway’s expertise is in urban agriculture, a rapidly developing technology based industry that is rapidly gaining traction .

Miami Science Museum

The Museum is making preparations to grow and harvest edible crops on the property again. Two different types of hydroponic systems will be explored at the Museum, one using a series of planters in the Wildlife Center

Uncertin Farms

Uncertain Farms is a family run farm in Seguin Texas that started in 1989. They have 17 acres with 7 greenhouses.

Whole Foods

BrightFarm Systems was commissioned to design and install a demonstration scale, sustainable urban greenhouse for a new Whole Foods Market store in Millburn, New Jersey.

Vera Street Farms

Vera street Farms has a 1/2 acre U-Pick Vertical Strawberry Garden, with 1000 towers and 20,000 strawberry plants. Vera Street Farms is located in China, Texas just off Broadway Street .

Jimmies Greenhouses

They grow in multiple greenhouses, one dedicated to tomatoes. This system has 1500 Quad pots mostly growing in greenhouses year around.

Tampa Bay Lightning Amalie Arena

A beautiful hydroponic tower garden on site. They built a deck in a back area that had previously been home to cooling equipment and recycling bins. This large EzGro tower garden was constructed in the summer of 2014, and has been producing loads of fresh food ever since. It has also contributed to the arena’s sustainability initiatives.