We are working alongside our partners to find new and smarter ways to improve our product lines. Our product development and garden expertise span the globe, cultivating knowledge across markets, product categories and consumer trends to identify unique and relevant opportunities.

We have over 25+ years of knowledge of indoor and outdoor growing. Over this time we have grown both Organic and Hydroponic with the latter being the preferred method. We have grown both in Soil and with Hydroponics. We are well versed in all areas of growing and have the knowledge you may need to see serious fruit and vegetable production. We are here always to help you with any questions you may have on the growing systems and on the food you are growing in them.  Don’t hesitate to call or email us anytime.  Make sure you check out some of the pictures of our garden systems in the gallery.

The EZ GRO System demonstrates the following characteristics:

  • Produces approximately 20 times the normal production volume for field crops
  • Requires 5% of the normal water requirements for field crops
  • Can be built on non-arable lands and close to major city markets
  • Works in a variety of environments: urban, suburban, countryside, desert etc.
  • Has significant operating and capital cost savings over field agriculture
  • Easily scalable from small to very large food production situations

Owner of EZ Gro Garden Larry K. Johnson has been an innovator in his fields of IT/engineering for years working in computers, telephone systems and Tier support.  Seeing a need for a change in how we grow food in the ground he took a simple quad pot and designed an entire gardening/farming system around it, so the method of growing food becomes an above-ground managed system to increase food production while easing the environmental footprint. EzGro Garden provides many systems to allow for managed food-production systems from a porch patio garden to 1000’s of pots in tower gardens used around the world. This innovative system is fully functioning on non-arable land where normal farming would not be a workable solution. When customers of this system needed a way to power the gardens when normal power systems would not be usable. Larry , drawing on years of engineering and IT experience, segued from this amazing gardening system into designing an off-grid energy system to allow large-scale gardening to be autonomous from the power grid with his innovative TriHelix system. This coupled system utilizes wind and solar power together in a unique way. All designs and adaptations have been done with the idea of growing more food, producing cleaner energy and allowing people to be more productive. The combination of both an innovative way to grow more food using less resources coupled with the solar/wind power system to power both the garden systems, as well as home environments, creates an entire new way to remedy the issues both industries- farming and power- now face. Mr. Johnson has worked tirelessly over the past 10 years designing, researching and constantly reimaging his systems to make them better, stronger and more resourceful. At 61 , he is pushing forward to benefit future generations and the planet with amazing new ideas for power production and food production, this is his purpose and worthy of recognition.

We are the original

The Quad Pot was created 1997, so we have been around for 25+ years and are pioneers in vertical growing. Our systems are utilized all over the world to grow healthy produce. EzGro is a trusted name for quality and performance.

What is an EzGro Garden?

We produces vertical gardening kits that are simple to use and provide serious results. Our kits are unique because they include virtually everything you need. This eliminates guesswork and extra expense. They are much more efficient than traditional soil gardens.

We Are Eco Friendly

Sustainability speaks volumes concerning our responsibility to being good stewards of our natural resources. Our commitment to sustainability is an on-going process as we continue to incorporate environmentally friendly practices into our business.

We use recycled materials!

We extrude our structural material using reclaimed High Density Polyethylene. In simple terms, we make our Quad Pots from sources like discarded milk jugs & water bottles. Every product we make contains recycled material.



Paper Wasps

Paper wasps are social insects that build intricate nests from paper fibers and raise their young communally. They may strike fear into the hearts of those who see them, but they are highly beneficial pollinators who skillfully remove young caterpillars READ MORE


Hydroponic Nutrients

Fertilizer vs. Hydroponic Nutrients In order to begin a discussion on hydroponic nutrients, it’s important to first distinguish the difference between the terms fertilizer and hydroponic nutrient. Fertilizer is intended to feed the microorganisms in the soil, such as beneficial READ MORE



A quick answer to why we should use EC instead of TDS The debate over EC and TDS has been an ongoing issue for a long time. These two measurements are used to determine the strength of hydroponic solution. Although READ MORE