Growing Organic versus Hydroponics

There is currently a popular debate about the value of “organic” growing and its methods, including organic fertilizer and pest control methods that don’t cause harm to the planet.  It is important to note that hydroponic growers are also looking for ways to efficiently and effectively apply these practices to hydroponics.  Currently accepted organic fertilizer […]


An overview of Hydroponics

Definition of Hydroponics Hydroponics is actually the science of growing plants without soil. Rather than soil, plants are grown in solutions containing each of the necessary minerals and elements. Methods utilized to get the nutrients to the roots, combined with the needed oxygen, include bare-root systems and systems using inert substrates to support the growth […]


Organic Farming vs Hydroponics

“Go organic” has become the battle-cry of thousands of Americans who assume that food items labeled “organic” is automatically a better, healthier product. Is this really true? Both organic farming and hydroponic farming embrace a desire to protect our planet’s fragile environment. Both methods steer clear of harmful chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Both seek to […]


Calcium Nitrate

Also called Norgessalpeter (Norwegian saltpeter) is the inorganic compound with the formula Ca(NO3)2. This colorless salt absorbs moisture from the air and is commonly found as a tetrahydrate. It is mainly used as a component in fertilizers. Nitrocalcite is the name for a mineral which is a hydrated calcium nitrate that forms as an efflorescence […]


Hydroponic Produce and Health

In 1994 a test was commissioned by an investment group to determine the vitamin and mineral content of hydroponically grown crops in comparison to soil grown crops, both organic and non-organic. Plant Research Technologies Laboratory in San Jose, California, analyzed tomatoes and sweet peppers; those hydroponically grown used Hydroponic nutrients. The hydroponic produce showed a […]