Home Forums Installation Patio Garden: How often should you add more working solution? Reply To: Patio Garden: How often should you add more working solution?

Andrew Stotzer

Basically it needs the solution all the time. The only thing to think about is when it runs out will that hurt the pump to run empty. I think the pump manual warns you about this. But I always check by feeling the bottom of the top diffuser and soil for wetness. And if I’m not sure, I keep a 5 gal paint stur stick nearby and stick it in the hole to check.

But I let mine run out of solution. The pump is only running for 2 minutes at a time, so it probably won’t get hurt if that happens a few times. I also asked about how to replace the solution and was told the ladle it into the top like when you first set it up. I do that, but if I’m in a hurry, I will pour half of it through the hole.

Hope this helps..