Miami Science Barge

The Miami Science Barge is a floating laboratory and environmental education center. Situated on Biscayne Bay in downtown Miami, it is a platform to encourage Miami to become a more ecologically conscious city. The Barge is entirely self sufficient, and does not need to be connected to the city for water or electricity. Solar panels […]


Seeds of Knowledge, Chicago, IL

Namrita Narula, a teenager in Chicago, IL, is committed to solving problems that most people her age, or any age for that matter, don’t even think about.  Her mission is to combat food insecurity in the North Shore section of Chicago, and she is doing so in some very important and inspirational ways.  Seeds of […]


Gartner Callaway Sustainability Company

Gartner Callaway Sustainability Company Ltd is a procurement, distribution and advisory services company focused on sustainable development in Africa and beyond. We strive to meet the present needs of our clients without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs by incorporating sustainable practice models within our clients current operations and future […]


Modern-Day Chinampas

Ancient Aztecs probably never thought they were creating a technology that could be used thousands of years later; they were just looking for a way to grow food with the resources that were available to them.  Chinampas are rafts of food crops that float on the surface of a body of water.  Aztec gardeners dug […]


What is Agroponics

In this article, we will expand on the different categories of hydroponics.  If you haven’t read our Foundation of Hydroponics article, consider going back and checking it out.  Just to recap, the first category that is used to classify hydroponic systems is called the Class of Hydroponics, and it describes the way plant roots are […]


Organic versus Inorganic: What’s the Difference?

Did you know there are several different definitions of the term organic?  The most common definition, that people usually think of when they hear the word, is the definition associated with more natural methods of growing produce, or organic farming.  You can read more about this in our article, Growing Organic versus Hydroponics. This article […]


Growing Organic versus Hydroponics

There is currently a popular debate about the value of “organic” growing and its methods, including organic fertilizer and pest control methods that don’t cause harm to the planet.  It is important to note that hydroponic growers are also looking for ways to efficiently and effectively apply these practices to hydroponics.  Currently accepted organic fertilizer […]


Soil versus Hydroponics

Growing in Soil Growing Hydroponically Soil microorganisms are necessary to break down soil particles into the basic elements of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements.. Balanced nutrient formula is dissolved directly into water so plants receive perfect nutrition at all times. There is a lower concentration of nutrients in soil so roots must grow longer […]


Types of Water in a Hydroponic System

There are many types of water to choose from when sourcing water for your hydroponic system.  Some are better than others, and now is the time to determine the differences. The best situation is to have water with no added minerals, with an EC of close to zero milliSiemens, or μs, and a pH of […]


The Foundation of Hydroponics

Category 1: Class of Hydroponics Agroponics Aeroponics Aquaponics Category 2: Nutrient Derivations Hydroponic Bioponic Aquaculture Category 3: Types of Hydroponic Systems: Open/Closed High Density Vertical (HDV) Vertical Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) Deep Water Culture (DWC) Ebb and Flow Drip There is some controversy over the way to classify hydroponic systems.  The purpose of this article […]


Golden Garden Spider

The writing spider, or black and yellow argiope, is a brightly colored predator. They are considered orb weavers, which means they spin their web in a circle shape. This particular species adds zig-zag patterns to their web which looks like a person’s writing, which is why they are referred to as the writing spider in some places. Their body is



Butterflies are beautiful, graceful creatures and there are over 20,000 different species located in many parts of the world. They also provide a very important service for the plant kingdom: pollination. While they perch on a flower to drink the nectar that sustains them, some of the pollen dust sticks on their wings and legs. As they