EzGro Garden by Robert Mainville from NC

EzGro Garden by Robert Mainville from NC

I have a twelve stack system using 40 quad pots and 6 five gallon buckets. An odd number perhaps but it seems to fit the 15’ x 15’ deck I put them on. We did not use the deck much so for me it was the perfect place to put my EzGro garden. You will notice the fence I put up due to some very persistent rabbits.  Everything seems to be growing much faster and healthier than any plants I have ever grown before. I used to do raised bed gardening I had three 4’ x 8’ beds two 2’ x 30’ beds and one 18’ x 25’ strawberry bed. Well I ripped those out and reclaimed that part of my backyard because the EzGro system has more plants than all of those put together and no weeds to have to pull every day. Here in North Carolina the weather and season is great but the weeds are notoriously aggressive and persistent. I saw on PBS a system that uses Styrofoam  pots  and though I liked to concept  I figured there had to be something a lot more durable out there so I did  some looking around on the net and  settled on the EzGro system as it is the most durable and  cost effective that I have  found. Larry Johnson of EzGro has been the most extraordinary customer service agent I have ever had the pleasure to have talked to. I know he is the owner but he is willing and able to help anyone that asks for it. He has helped me get started and answered every question I had as well as being very receptive to suggestions. If you have any comments on this system or any questions about it please go to the EzGro forum.

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  1. Rob, thank you for showing my son and I your garden. Read the book on the way home ,very well written and easy to follow.We can`t wait to get started . Already collecting parts. I`ll keep you posted! GW Casto


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